Saturday, June 30, 2012

Neunte Tag. das Endspiel. The final day of Munich

Today we had the morning to do whatever we wanted, so I only wanted to go take a picture of the gate I didn't get to, the Siegestor gate near the University and the English garden.  It was a pretty packed U-bahn ride to get here, since you take the university stop, so it was filled with college students. Once I got my pictures, there is a nearby statue of King Ludwig the 1st, on the mile long walk from Siegestor gate to Odeonsplatz.

From there, we walked to the Marienplatz, so we could get our final shopping in. Davis at H&M, me at Muenzinger sport.  Davis dropped over 100 euros at H&M on this trip, on some European fashion stuff you can't get in Brea.  After this, we went back to the hotel and checked out.  Our car service Mercedez van was already parked in front, ready to take us back to the airport. Our driver this time, Stephen, was cool, and acted sort of as a guide on the way back. From talking about the speed limit, to different factories in Munich, to different architectural landmarks.  He told us to stop by Airbrau before we left, but it was definitely already on our itinerary.  How many airports have an Audi dealership and a beer garden in their airport?  Well Munich does.  Airbrau is actually one of the cheapest places in our whole trip, but the food and beer was just as good as the other places.  I had to have one helles beer before we left, and some more bratwurst.  After lunch, I then got some last minute shopping in at the Bayern Munich fanshop. 

Then we had to go through security at the terminal. You don't have to take your shoes off, they just scan them.  A much more efficient thing to do.  And they check and wand you, like you're at a concert. Then there is like a whole mall in the airport terminal. We got to cruise through some of it, before we had to go to go upstairs and go through passport checks to leave the country.  The line was pretty long, but moved decently quick enough.  We then had to walk to our gate, but we had to go through ANOTHER security check. This was, was just to make sure you had your ticket and were going to the right terminal. Completely pointless, and frustrating, but whatever.  Then once we got through our gate at the terminal, we got crammed into a bus to get to our plane.  Our bus was too packed, they had to bring a second bus to the plane.  The plane ride back, was easier then the plane right there, even though it takes longer.  Maybe because I was a little tired from the beer at lunch. The same crappy movies I already watched we're on, so I got some shuteye in.  Going over Greenland was cool, because you can see all the glaciers and stuff.  Then I actually slept the whole time we were going over Canada, because it takes forever to get over Canada, and woke up over Montana or something.  They served us our meal at like 1 hour before we landed, so that was weird.  And kind of stupid.  Then once we landed in LA, they had advertisements for Commerce casino in Chinese on the way to the passport check. Really, Commerce Casino?!  Going through passport thing was pretty fast, but they kept some Indian kid there by himself for like 20 minutes, or the whole  time we were in line, sucks to be him. And they denied some dude, probably for not having a Visa?  Anyways, once we got our bags we had to wait in another security line for customs. Once we got to the guy it was fast as hell.  But man, some of those Europeans have crazy amounts of baggage with them.  Like a family of 4, had like 15 things of luggage. Presumably for shopping, since America is cheaper, but Jesus.  Took a while to get our car, but we're home I guess.  :(

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