Friday, June 29, 2012

Erste Tag

Welcome back Europe, hope you missed me.  Cause I sure as hell missed you.  

Day 1:  Going through Tom Bradley international airport at LAX was unique.  It’s definitely one of the nicest terminals in LAX before you go to the security check line, and even the Daily Grill had this neat carry-on luggage compartment on top of the restaurant tables. The flight itself was looooooong.  We were row 58 of 58.  And next to this like Egyptian or some type of Arabic elderly couple, who were clearly the worst passengers in existence.  They smelt terrible, didn’t speak German or English, and didn’t follow any rules from the flight attendants.  The flight attendants were clearly frustrated, but whatever.  Munich international airport is huge and very high tech and modern. It’s funny the baggage claim has a Heineken bottle advertisement going through it.  Davis got randomly selected by customs to be searched, because he had huge headphones on and some edm music label shirt on, so they must’ve thought he was smuggling some sort of drug paraphernalia or something.   The drive from the airport to our hotel was alright I guess, he was probably a Turkish immigrant who "loves Los Angeles".  You will never see so many Porsches, BMWs, Audis, zooming past you on the freeway to the city.  We also drove by the Allianz Arena, which was neat to see. The freeway is very close to the stadium.  Our hotel is a very nice and modern place.  One of those weird ass bathrooms, where there isn’t a full door to close the shower.  We ate at a Augustiner affiliated restaurant, with a freaking bowling alley on the side of it.  We had some excellent wienerschnitzel, some dish my dad got, and some Italian tortellini haha.  The helles bier (Edelstoff) was excellent here, and that’s 1/6 of the major Munich brewing companies down.  Even my mom drank one!  The dude here was funny, since he wouldn't let Davis drink a pilsner, because it was NICHT AUGUSTINER!!!  NOT AUGUSTINER!!

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