Thursday, June 20, 2013

Auf Wiedersehen

And here is how leaving Rome and entering Munich sucked.  We boarded on time and everything, except these older German idiots lost their airplane tickets, so we had to wait forever for that.  Then there is only one working runway at Fiumicino, so I passed out before we had taken off, only to find out one hour later, we were just leaving.  Then what should be an hour flight to Munich, took forever, since it was rainy in Munich, and they had the same problem with one working runway. And obviously they give preference to the bigger jets leaving and entering Munich.  So we circled Munich a few times before we ran out of fuel and had to land at Nurnburg airport.  Where some very antsy people got off the plane pissed off and where even the workers at Alitalia didn't know what to do.  They had one attendant who could speak Italian, German, and English so he was getting swarmed.  They weren't sure if they were going to bus us to the train station, then put us on a train, or try get another flight. Eventually we had to refuel which took a long time, and they had ran out of drinks, since they only stocked for an Hour 15 minute flight.   So we finally landed in Munich about 3 hours late, and desperate to find out if the Luftansa airport bus was still running. Luckily we caught it as they were about to take off, and we had a Turkish driver who could actually speak English.    We made it to Wombats City around 9 something, and we were desperately hungry.  We didn't feel like going all the way to Hirschgarden, so we decided to eat at the Augustiner Keller again.  We pretty much got put in our own room, and had a good waiter named Samir. Everything was SUPER, as he kept saying.  I had to get some more Schweinbrauten before I left, David got a meat sampler, Jeremy got some weinerschnitzel, and Julian got some suckling pig.  They also had two steins worth of Augustiner and pretzels. We bought our steins, gave our waiter a big tip, and were ready to go drinking at our hostel's bar.  We met some Germans on the tram back to the Hauptbahnhoff, and invited them to drink with us after, and two of them got drunk after the plethora of Jager shots they were drinking.  Julian ate an entire sandwich doused in mustard, as the legend of the mustard jacket goes on.  We went to some popping bars at Kultfabrik, and had some cheap beers and we exited at about 4 am.  It was dark, cold, and everybody was extrmely tired, so we passed out loudly and probably snored loudly much to our shared roomates chagrin.  But we woke up in the morning, our roommate from Minnesota was cool, he had a plane to catch at Ireland.  We got some last minute shopping in near the Marienplatz.  We started at a Dallmayr's chocolate, then we went to the Hofbrauhaus shop, David bought the cheapest lederhosen from this traditional bavarian store, that was 210 euros.  The nicest one was 900 euros, but the handcraftery and the leather was perfect.

After that I had to stop at Sport Munziger to buy some German football stuff before we headed back to the train station.  There is also a Bayern Munich store at the train station, but many of the good items were sold out.  We got on the luftansa bus back to the airport at about 1. Checking in was cool there, because I got to finally use my luftansa card in their machines, you can your passport there,  and then it prints your ticket. A lot better technology than LAX.  Dropping off our luggage was no problem, no weight problems.  I stopped by the Bayern Munich store at the airport, where they had a lot better selection.  But I got stuck behind a film crew in the security line, so it took FOREVER behind them.  Because every single item in their luggage has to be scanned thoroughly so that sucked.  We ended up at some crappy cafeteria type food, since I thought Airbrau was only in the Airport center, and I feared a long passport line.  However, when went upstairs there was no passport line, the lady joked that were in Munich only when it rained, which was kind of accurate, and to add insult to injury, there was a Airbrau right there upstairs near our Gate.  So we all were kind of upset, but whatever.  Our flight was boarding when we got upstairs, and had to go through the two more ticket security checks, before we finally boarded the Airbus with the downstairs bathroom back tot the state and said Auf Wiedersehen to Deutschland

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