Sunday, July 10, 2011

Forza i Parmigiani , Parma 1 of 3 this week

My adventure in Parma was the first day I got to use my Eurail pass. It was kind of weird at first not having a ticket to Parma, but only having a ticket to Bologna. I also almost completely missed the train because it was in some small station to the left. Once I got to Parma, my first destination was to find the tourist office to get a map. I didn’t exactly take my directions I wrote down, but I found the tourist office randomly. The number one reason I went to Parma, not to eat, but to find the Emporium (store) for the soccer team Parma FC. Once I got to the stadium I was super excited, I don’t care for the team too much at all, but they have the sweetest jerseys in Italy every year. Then there was lots of people going to the stadium, so I thought it was strange, than I find out, season tickets went on sale that day. It wasn’t too packed, and it was funny because it was a lot of older people in the line. I then went to the Emporium, to only find that it has closed for renovations. I was kind of mad, but then I went to the locations in my guide book said to go. The Baptistery was pretty impressive from the outside, since it is a mix of Romanesque and Gothic architecture. It’s also painted a distinctly pink color. I then went to the Duomo right by it, and saw some really cool Deposition of Jesus Christ plaque/sculpture/other assorted wall thing. After this, I went to you guess, another church right nearby but it wasn’t as impressive. I then cruised around the shops in Parma hoping to find a store that sells team gear, but I couldn’t everything. Though every window panel in every store had saldi signs everywhere, which I kind of assumed meant “sales.” I then went to the Sanctuary of Santa Maria della Steccata , the last church that the guide book said to go and it was alright. I really just the Gypsy beggars who stand on the steps of churches. I then finally find a place to eat, some caffe. I had a prosciutto cotto sandwich, which was probably the best prosciutto (thinly sliced ham) and cheese in it, it was delicious. I’m bummed I didn’t order another one. I then found a deli that actually sold Parmagiano Reggiano, but I figured what the hell am I going to do with a block of cheese, and a big thing of prosciutto. So then I walked by the University and went home.

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