Sunday, July 17, 2011

Long blogs coming up, this week in class

We learned about sexual crimes in the USA and Italy in this week’s lecture. In the original definition of rape, a man could only rape a woman who wasn’t his wife. While the California rape law fixed the law to make sure it included any sexual intercourse thing done against the will of the victim. And the California sexual assault law made it any unwanted sexual action against the victim. What’s interesting here, is a guy can’t get raped by a female according to these words. Even if it’s the ugliest bitch in the world forcing her will literally on some dude, it wouldn’t be called rape. It’s sad that more than 70% of the rapes happen by people who know their attacker. It shows that there is some messed up people around the nation, and clearly the victim is too scared to report it. We then talked a bit about Megan’s law and how they sex offenders have to register their names. It was funny that the teacher brought up how many sex offenders live in south Placentia by school. And all these students don’t realize what a shitty area that is. Problems us proud North Placentians don’t have to deal with, Smiley face. Then we talked about how these people who need to rehabbed into society aren’t welcomed by communities so it’s kind of a whole double standard of their rehabilitation process. Sex offenders don’t deserve second chances but murderers and alcoholics deserve all the second chances they can get. It’s interesting how sex offenders have to live 2,000 feet away from a park or school, which is almost impossible in Orange County, so these people have to move way out of the city into ex-urbs or either further. Italy apparently has the lowest per capita rate of rape in the EU, but it reality it feels as if Italian men are aggressive as hell, unless they’re just trying to pick up yank tourists. The whole issue of rape in Italy is awkward. They really don’t want you to go forward with the case, they make you take your time, and the trial is apparently humiliating for the victim. It’s interesting that Mussolini’s granddaughter is a big proponent for rape victims. The whole joke of a code, the querela system, said that a dishonest seducing women would go to court to report a rape charge, while the honorable women who was raped would keep quiet and hold her shame in private. Thankfully the more reform rape laws aren’t so harsh on women, and it penalizes men a lot stiffer than before for violating the morals of society, rather than for a crime in society. The funniest thing was this girl wearing jeans was raped by her driving instructor and didn’t report it until she got home. What’s funny is the judges ruled that because she was wearing jeans, it takes more than one person to take off the jeans so that was a form of consent. The Italian justice system makes a mockery of justice. I have no idea if the girl driving was raped or not, but their answer to not convict the instructor was utterly ridiculous. I’m not some women’s right activist crusader or anything, but rape is a crime punishable by the

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